Serve Day 2019 

On Saturday, July 13th we get the honor of participating in National Serve Day!  Our Serve Day Project this year will be located at Colorful Minds, 9480 Three Rivers Road, Gulfport.  Colorful Minds specializes in autism and behavioral services therapy to help individuals with special needs become as independent as possible.  We will be serving from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

They have just moved into a new building and we will be assembling furniture, cleaning, plumbing, cutting out crafts, laminating items and serving in whatever way needed to help them be prepared for the upcoming school year.  Bring your drill, hammer, screwdriver and any other hand tools that might be useful.  Be sure to wear your “We Love Our City” Serve Shirt.  If you do not have one you will be able to purchase one.  ($5 for sizes S-XL and $8 for sizes 2XL and larger) Be sure to sign up on the Connect Fellowship Church App or in the Lobby. We can’t wait to serve with you on National Serve Day!